The Quic diabetes framework: benefits for clinicians
How we support the Multidisciplinary Team
MDT support
The Quic Diabetes Framework supports MDT activity by:
providing effective messaging between care homes and MDT
supporting remote monitoring for diabetes (and other long term conditions in the future)
prompting reviews as they become due
facilitating referrals when necessary
capturing data for QOF outcomes
supporting engagement with ECHC framework
The Quic Diabetes Framework enables collaboration by:
proposed partnership with Patient Knows Best (PKB) to provide bidirectional data and information sharing
supporting Integrated Care Pathways
supporting advance care planning
facilitating the sharing of the wishes of people in receipt of care e.g. ReSPECT forms.
Quality Assurance
The Quic Diabetes Framework supports robust Quality Assurance by:
sharing best practice
built in audit cycles and action plans
incorporating national standards